Who In Congress Is Tweeting About DACA?



Over the past week I've heard one number repeatedly: 87% of Americans favor dreamers staying in the U.S. (with some conditions; CBS poll). Despite public support for DACA, the surrounding politics have shut down progress to date. But, who in Congress is talking (i.e., tweeting) about DACA?

Using accounts listed by ProPublica's Congress API, with more than 100 tweets, I collected all Congress members' tweets (twitter returns up to 3,200 of a user's most recent tweets). I then counted the number of tweets that mention "daca" or "dreamers" for each member of Congress. Below, is an interactive plot showing the percentage of each representative's tweets that relate to DACA. There's a surprising partisan divide, especially since this is simply considering who has or has not acknowledged DACA.

Interactive visualizations are best rendered on desktop.


Not all members of Congress are included in ProPublica's API (e.g., Lindsey Graham isn't listed). Check out the code on Github and feel free to reach out to me on social media.